Education Support Grants
Education support is available under the He Māhuri Toa programme run by Lake Taupō Charitable Trust. He Māhuri Toa is a programme designed to nurture ‘young trees of strength’ and to ensure Tūwharetoa tamariki and rangatahi are supported through their schooling and into tertiary education and employment.
He Putea Mātauranga provides for scholarships and grants to all owners and their descendants of Lake Taupō and Lake Rotoaira Forest Trusts. This includes:
- Tertiary Education grants to students to studying in key subjects related to forestry; and
- A Tertiary Forestry Scholarship to attend Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology or the University of Canterbury forestry programme.
Tertiary Education Grants
Tertiary Education Grants are available to fulltime students at any NZQA accredited University, College of Education, Polytechnic or Whare Wananga studying in one of the following fields: Forestry, Finance, Business Management, Law, Science, Engineering, Environmental (Taiao), Information Technology, GIS Mapping, Marketing, Te Reo or Health Professionals. This does not include secondary school.
The grant value is dependent on the number of successful applicants.
Click on the following link to apply:
Tertiary Forestry Scholarship
The Tertiary Forestry Scholarship is available for full-time study in a forestry management diploma or degree at either the University of Canterbury in Christchurch or Toi Ohomai Technical Institute in Rotorua. These recipients can be provided internships for the summer period.
The scholarship is valued at $10,000 for up to three recipients. For more information, please download the Forestry Scholarship Guidelines.
Applications open on 1st July and close on 31st August each year. Applications can be obtained from Forestry Course Directors at either the University of Canterbury or Toi Ohomai or through our office, please phone 07 386 8839.
Kaumatua Assistance Grant
The Kaumatua Assistance Grant is a one-off annual amount set by the Kaitiaki of the Lake Taupō Charitable Trust and is not retrospective. The value of this grant is $200.
- Registered beneficial owners of the Lake Taupō Forest Trust aged 70 years old or over
- Beneficial owners who have put their Lake Taupō Forest Trust shares into a whānau trust
The Kaumatua grant opens on 1st January each year. This is automatically paid to registered and eligible kaumatua. Please ensure you are fully registered with the Owner Services Team at 07 386 8839.
Pūtea Aroha - Tangihanga Fund
The Pūtea Aroha Tangihanga fund provides grants to assist with the expenses of Tangihanga for owners in the Lake Taupō Forest Trust. The value of this grant is $2,000.
- Beneficial owners of shares in Lake Taupō Forest Trust blocks only
- Beneficial owners who have put their Lake Taupō Forest Trust shares into a Whānau Trust
Please complete all parts of the application form. Contact our office on 07 386 8839 if you require assistance.
Required Documentation:
- Copy of the Death Certificate
- Copy of the Birth Certificate or Passport or Driver’s Licence of the deceased
- Copy of Funeral Directors’ invoice
- Verified Bank Account details into which the grant will be paid (bank statement/stamped deposit slip/screenshot of online banking)
Please ensure that when you are applying for this grant that you attach the PAID Funeral Directors’ invoice if you wish for this grant to be paid to an individual or whānau trust bank account. If an unpaid Funeral Directors’ invoice is attached we will pay this grant directly to the Funeral Director on behalf of your whānau.